Mar 11Liked by Olivia West Nielsen

Hi Olivia. Sorry to hear about the Hashimoto's, but I'm glad you're finding ways to cope with it. I had a pretty bad case of hypothyroidism a few years ago. Not as bad as what you've been through, but still disruptive to a normal day-to-day life. I was cold all the time, even on hot days, and the lethargy was hard to overcome. Fortunately, I eventually discovered the cause, which was the highly fluoridated water that I was drinking from the tap in Boulder, CO. I noticed that the problem would mysteriously go away sometimes when I traveled. When I started checking the fluoride concentration in the water supply in different municipalities (which they are required to report) I was shocked to discover that outdoorsy, "health conscious" Boulder was among the highest of all! When I stopped drinking tap water and avoided hot baths (fluoride is absorbed through the skin) I immediately felt better, and the symptoms have not returned. As you probably know, fluoride is a major endocrine disruptor. Crazy that they ADD it to perfectly good water! Anyway, just thought I'd pass that along, in case it's helpful. -ct

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Chuck I'm so sorry, that sounds crazy! I'm so glad you figured it out- it's wild how much a seemingly small thing like that can affect your whole system. I have definitely wondered about the water here being part of that rocky transition.. we have a heavy duty filter in place now so I hope it's taken care of! Thank you :)

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